Who:   Girls & Boys under the age of 18

Summary: This clinic is designed for all players, regardless of level, who have a desire to improve on the two most important skills in volleyball. The player to coach ratio will be 6:1. Both skills will be taught in progression to make sure each player is performing the skills mechanically correct.  The focus will only be on these two skills, the improvement will be substantial in the three days.

When: May 28th – May 30th | 4pm – 6pm

Cost: $130

Registration & Medical Forms: Each participant must complete a registration form with deposit or this will be completed automatically if you register online. Please register as soon as your are interested and can do so.  *Please be sure fill out t-shirt size as that is the only way we will be able to make sure you get the correct size โ€“ no exchanges will be permitted at check-in. Adult sizes only.

Payment: Half the cost of the camp must be paid at the time of registration. The remaining balance is due before or at check-in.  You must pay in full at check-in, and pay that balance in cash or money order. No personal checks at check-in.  

Refund/Cancel: If you must cancel, please let us know immediately. It will give us an opportunity to admit someone on the waiting list.

Contact: for questions or concerns please email: [email protected]

Click here to register!