Who: Girls & Boys 10 – 18 years of age
Summary: This camp seeks to introduce the proper mechanics of each skill, while also providing an opportunity to experience high-level training within their position. This camp consists of a breakdown of all skills and introduction to playing six-on-six. It is designed for the player who wants to be exposed to the best volleyball instruction the state of Arizona has to offer.
When: July 7th and July 8th | 2pm – 5pm
Cost: $130
Registration & Medical Forms: Each participant must complete a registration form with deposit or this will be completed automatically if you register online. Please register as soon as your are interested and can do so. *Please be sure fill out t-shirt size as that is the only way we will be able to make sure you get the correct size – no exchanges will be permitted at check-in. Adult sizes only.
Payment: Half the cost of the camp must be paid at the time of registration. The remaining balance is due before or at check-in. You must pay in full at check-in, and pay that balance in cash or money order. No personal checks at check-in.
Refund/Cancel: If you must cancel, please let us know immediately. It will give us an opportunity to admit someone on the waiting list.
Contact: for questions or concerns please email: [email protected]